AOCD Seminar Series Fall 2014

Thursdays, 4-5pm Kline Geology Lab (KGL) 116

Date Speaker Title
08/28 Srikanth Toppaladoddi Turbulent convection against rough walls: Manipulating a broken symmetry.
09/04 Srikanth Toppaladoddi (G&G) Turbulent convection against rough walls: Manipulating a broken symmetry.
09/11 Carl Gladish (MIT) TBA
09/18 Nadine Unger (G&G) Strong vegetation-mediated chemical forcing of climate in modern and deep time.
09/25 Wenchang Yang (Columbia) Why is the East Africa drying during the spring in recent decades?



Mathew Thomas (IFREMER, Brest)

A 3D perspective on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. 
10/02 Mengnan Zhao (G&G) TBA
10/09 Spencer Hill (Princeton) TBA
10/16 Lauren Biermann (St Andrews) TBA
10/23 RECESS
10/30 Heather Ford (Lamont-Doherty) The Early Pliocene El Padre Mean State and the Evolution of the Equatorial Thermocline
11/06 Bess Koffman (Columbia) Tracing Past Atmospheric Circulation and Climate with Wind-Blown Dust
11/13 Madeline Miller (Harvard Uni.) The deep ocean density structure at the Last Glacial Maximum: What was it and why?
11/27 RECESS
12/04 Eli Tziperman (Harvard Uni.) Hot! Eocene (~50Myr) Climate and Arctic Cloud Feedbackl Implications for Future Climate.