Thursdays, 4-5 p.m.
Kline Geology Lab, Room 116
Date | Speaker | Title |
01/17 | Campbell Watson, G&G | On the dynamics of orographic precipitation in idealized and realistic settings |
01/24 | Sarah Kapnick, Princeton University | Exploring Changes in Global Snow Through Observations, Reanalysis, and High Resolution Models |
01/31 | Name, Institution | Title |
02/07 | Name, Institution | Title |
02/14 | Xavier Levine, G&G | The Influence of Moist Baroclinic Waves on the Termination of the Hadley Circulation |
02/21 | Name, Institution | Title |
02/28 | Larry Pratt, WHOI | 3D chaotic stirring and mixing in an idealized ocean eddy |
03/07 | Xu Yue, G&G | Ensemble projections of wildfire activity and carbonaceous aerosol concentrations over the western United States in the mid-21st century |
03/14 | Spring Recess | No AOCD seminar |
03/21 | Spring Recess | No AOCD seminar |
03/28 | Neil Tandon, Columbia University | Divergent responses to external forcing in simplified GCMs |
04/04 | Name, Institution | Title |
04/11 | Robert Fischer, Columbia University | - |
04/18 | Woosok Moon, G&G | Stochastic theory of Arctic sea ice stability |
04/25 | Neil Balmforth, Institution | - |
05/02 | Trude Storelvmo, G&G | - |
05/09 | Summer Recess | No AOCD seminar |