February 10: Libby Barnes (Colorado State University), “Viewing climate signals through an AI lens”
February 17: Isabel Montañez (UC Davis), “Reconstructing a deep-time Earth system”
February 24: Matthew Knope (University of Hawaii, Hilo), “The ecology of origination and extinction in fossil and living marine animals”
March 3: Per Ahlberg (Uppsala University), “When and how did tetrapods originate?”
March 17: Dargan Frierson (University of Washington), “From smokestacks to temperature targets: imagining planetary futures with simple models”
March 24: No Colloquium (Yale Break Day)
March 31: Dietmar Müller (University of Sydney), “Intraplate volcanism triggered by bursts in slab flux”
April 7: Hrvoje Tkalcic (Australian National University), “The Earth’s correlation wavefield: rise of the new paradigm and recent advances”
April 14: Aradhna Tripati (UC Los Angeles), “Frontiers in carbonate clumped isotope geochemistry within an inclusive science framework”
April 21: Craig Manning (UC Los Angeles), “Fluids of the lower crust and upper mantle: deep is different”
April 28: Kendall Moore (University of Rhode Island), “Can we talk? Five myths about sense of belonging in science for underrepresented people of color”
May 5: Kimberly Lau (Penn State University), “Tracking anoxia in ancient oceans: a “new” proxy and a new paradigm”
May 12: No Colloquium (Reading Period)
May 19: No Colloquium (Final Exam Period)